Sunday, March 5, 2023

Week of March 6,2023



 ·      School Dismissal for all students in all grades will be at 2:45 PM


·      On Thursday, March 9th - National Barbie Day !!Students may dress up as their favorite character. 


·      On Friday, March 10th - National Mario Day!! Students may dress up as their favorite character. 


·      No Summer Programs will be offered this Summer. 


Always make sure to read the OLQM School Blog for additional information, located HERE!



    If you have any questions or concerns, you can email me at or text/call (203)539-0863 I will do my best to answer at the end of the day. 



Unit Topic:



Essential Question for the Unit:

How and why do we use different kinds of light?


Focus Questions for this Week:

What is darkness?


Focused Learning Activity for the Week:


Pattern Activity


The teacher will provide translucent plastic drinking cups in a variety of colors. Children will be invited to create patterns with the cups on a light table.  The teacher will encourage children to duplicate AB and ABC pattern strips. 


The teacher will ask the following HOTS Questions:


How do you know something is a pattern?

Where do you see patterns? 

How did you figure out each pattern?

Pre-K Common Core Learning Standard Addressed:


PK. MATH.9. [NY-PK.OA.2.] Duplicates and extends simple patterns using concrete objects (e.g., what comes next?) 





For all children to be successful, multiple entry points will be considered. The teacher will tailor instruction to the needs of each individual student. 


For example,

Repeat directions

 Extend time 

Preview questions (if applicable)

 Provide 1:1 support 

 Adapt materials 


If children need help during Pattern Strips, then the teacher will help them start and verbalize an AB pattern, such as red/blue, red/blue, red/blue, and encourage them to keep going with (“extend”) the pattern. The teacher will review how a pattern’s core unit repeats. 


If children need a challenge during Pattern Strips, the teacher will encourage them to make their own patterns or provide more difficult pattern strips.


Foundational text for the week:

Blackout by John Rocco The link to the foundational texts HERE!!


Questions that will be asked throughout the week related to the foundational text:


 Level 1: Recall 


What did the family do when the lights went out? What did the family find on the roof?

 What did the family find on the street? 


Level 2: Skill/Concept 

 Why did everyone stop what they were doing when the lights went out? How do you think the kid felt at the very first second when the lights went out? At first, it seemed like the kid was very ____ about the lights going out. How do you think they felt about it later?

 What did the kid do when the lights came back on? Why do you think they did that? 


 Level 3: Strategic Thinking 

 When the lights went out the family stayed inside for a bit, went up to the roof and hung out with their neighbors, went to the party on the street, and ate ice cream together. Which thing that they did sounds like the most fun to you? Why?

 In this story, the lights went out at night. What do you think might have been different about this story if the lights went out during the day? Why? 


Level 4: Extended Thinking 

Do you prefer light or darkness? Why?

 If you were home with your family or friends at night and the lights went out, what do you think the people in your family/your friends would say and do?



Lesson and activities for the week:


Blocks- Students are invited to explore how they might use blocks and a flashlight to create shadow letters.  


Pretend Play- Students will be able to use flashlights for shadow play inside a tent.  


Art- The teacher will read the book Round Trip by Ann Jonas.  After reading the book, children will be provided with black and white paper to create a picture.  Children will be encouraged to cut or rip the paper and use glue to assemble the art. The teacher will use vocabulary words such as straight and wavy to describe the lines that they make. 


Science- Students will be able to use the light table to look at x-rays and an assortment of translucent objects.   


Math- The teacher will supply translucent plastic drinking cups in a variety of colors. Children will be invited to create patterns with the cups.


Library- Students are invited to read books about our theme, light.  


Writing- The children will be invited to use a hole puncher to create letters on pieces of paper. The teacher will allow children to place the papers over the light table to explore the letters and light. 


Sensory- The teacher will line the bottom of the sensory table with tin foil and add water as well as glass beads, containers, scoops, etc. The teacher will invite children to explore, sort, and enjoy.



If there are any questions regarding the Pre-K for All program that cannot be answered by the office or classroom teacher, please feel free to contact the Help Line at 888-227-8175 

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