Monday, May 28, 2018

Week of May 29, 2018


Enduring understandings that the student should have by the end of the unit:
·               Human babies need special food and care.
·               Animal babies need special food and care.
·               There are similarities and differences in the ways
        babies are cared for.
·               All babies grow.

Lessons and activities for each learning center 

Blocks- Students are invited to use blocks to create a nursery or place to care for a baby. 

Pretend Play-Pretend Play will be turned into a baby nursery.  Students will pretend to care for babies by feeding, cleaning, and changing the baby dolls provided.

Art-Students are invited to create their own baby portraits with a variety of art materials.

ScienceStudents will be able to play a matching game, matching the adult animal to its offspring.

MathCutouts of babies of various lengths will be added to the math center.  Students will be able to measure each baby and tell which is longest and shortest.

LibraryStudents are invited to read books about our theme, babies.

Writing/TechnologyWeekly learning games on iPads are provided.  

Sensory-Sand and water, or play-doh.

Some of the books we will read this week are: 

  • When I Was Little: A Four-Year-Olds Memoir of Her Youth by Jamie Lee Curtis
  • ABC Zooborns! by Andrew Bleiman


Thursday June 7thand Friday, June 8thSchool will be closed.

If you have any questions Mr. Woods or I cannot answer feel free to contact the Archdiocese at (888) 227-8175 from 9:00 am to 5:00pm
or Email At 

Thank you

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Week of May 21, 2018


Enduring understandings that the student should have by the end of the unit:
·               Human babies need special food and care.
·               Animal babies need special food and care.
·               There are similarities and differences in the ways
       babies are cared for.
·                All babies grow.

Lessons and activities for each learning center 

Blocks- Students are invited to use blocks to create a nursery or place to care for a baby. 

Pretend Play-Pretend Play will be turned into a baby nursery.  Students will pretend to care for babies by feeding, cleaning, and changing the baby dolls provided.

Art-Students are invited to create their own baby portraits with a variety of art materials.

ScienceStudents will be able to play a matching game, matching the adult animal to its offspring.

MathCutouts of babies of various lengths will be added to the math center.  Students will be able to measure each baby and tell which is longest and shortest.

LibraryStudents are invited to read books about our theme, babies.

Writing/TechnologyWeekly learning games on iPads are provided.  

Sensory-Sand and water, or play-doh.

Some of the books we will read this week are: 

 Over in the Meadow by Ezra Jack Keats.  

Forest babies by brad Springer 


Friday, May 25th and Monday May 28th School will be closed in honor of Memorial Day.

If you have any questions Mr. Woods or I cannot answer feel free to contact the Archdiocese at (888) 227-8175 from 9:00 am to 5:00pm or Email At 

Thank you

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Week of May 14, 2018


Enduring understandings that the student should have by the end of the unit:
·               Human babies need special food and care.
·               Animal babies need special food and care.
·               There are similarities and differences in the ways
       babies are cared for.
·               All babies grow.

Lessons and activities for each learning center 

Blocks- Students are invited to use blocks to create a nursery or place to care for a baby. 

Pretend Play-Pretend Play will be turned into a baby nursery.  Students will pretend to care for babies by feeding, cleaning, and changing the baby dolls provided.

Art-Students are invited to create their own baby portraits with a variety of art materials.

ScienceStudents will be able to play a matching game, matching the adult animal to its offspring.

MathCutouts of babies of various lengths will be added to the math center.  Students will be able to measure each baby and tell which is longest and shortest.

LibraryStudents are invited to read books about our theme, babies.

Writing/TechnologyWeekly learning games on iPads are provided.  

Sensory-Sand and water, or play-doh.

Some of the books we will read this week are: 

 StellaLuna By Janell Cannon

Animals babies  by Harry McNaught


Friday, May 25th and Monday May 28thSchool will be closed in honor of Memorial Day.

If you have any questions Mr. Woods or I cannot answer feel free to contact the Archdiocese at (888) 227-8175 from 9:00 am to 5:00pm or Email At 

Thank you

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Week of May 6, 2018


Enduring understandings that the student should have by the end of the unit:
·               Human babies need special food and care.
·               Animal babies need special food and care.
·               There are similarities and differences in the ways
      babies are cared for.
·             All babies grow.

Lessons and activities for each learning center 

Blocks- Students are invited to use blocks to create a nursery or place to care for a baby. 

Pretend Play-Pretend Play will be turned into a baby nursery.  Students will pretend to care for babies by feeding, cleaning, and changing the baby dolls provided.

Art-Students are invited to create their own baby portraits with a variety of art materials.

ScienceStudents will be able to play a matching game, matching the adult animal to its offspring.

MathCutouts of babies of various lengths will be added to the math center.  Students will be able to measure each baby and tell which is longest and shortest.

LibraryStudents are invited to read books about our theme, babies.

Writing/TechnologyWeekly learning games on iPads are provided.  

Sensory-Sand and water, or play-doh.

Some of the books we will read this week are: 

·                Everywhere Babies by Susan Meyers
·               Peter’s Chair by Ezra Jack Keats


Friday, May 11th at 9:00amis our Mother's Day show (Muffins with Mom).

Friday, May 25th and Monday May 28thSchool will be closed in honor of Memorial Day.

If you have any questions Mr. Woods or I cannot answer feel free to contact the Archdiocese at (888) 227-8175 from 9:00 am to 5:00pm
or Email At 

Thank you

Week of June 12, 2023     WEEKLY REMINDERS       ·        Thursdays, June 15, 2023, Pre-k Father’s Day Celebration by Zoom At 9:30Am     ·  ...