Sunday, October 23, 2022

Week of October 24, 2022  





    Mark your calendars!

o   Class Picture Tomorrow!!! Monday, October 24th. Students should be in their school uniform. 


o   Our Halloween Parade will begin at 8:30 AM on Monday, October 31st in the school auditorium.  Parents are invited to join the parade. 


o   Please remember to bring sleeping mats to school.


o   Please return ASQ Questionnaires 


o   PreK For All Classes 8:00 AM - 2:45 PM 

o   Dismissal is at 2:45 PM

o   Please make sure your child has an extra change of clothes. (I will let you know if your child is missing a change of clothes)

o   Please bring in a picture of your family and a baby picture of child for us to hang on our family tree! 

o   Always make sure to read the OLQM School Blog for additional information, located HERE!

·       If you have any questions or concerns, you can email me at or text/call (203)539-0863

·         I will do my best to answer at the end of the day. 



Unit Topic:

                My Five Senses


Essential Question for the Unit:

How do we use our senses to explore, investigate and understand the world around us?


Focus Question for the Week Related to the Text:

      How do we use our sense of taste?


Focused Learning Activity for the Week:


Apple Tasting

The teacher will invite the children to explore apples. Children will be asked “can you taste an apple with your ear? “If you want to taste it, what should you use?  Children will turn and talk to discuss their responses with a peer. The teacher will show a variety of apples, name them, and have the children describe how they look. The teacher will explain to the children that they should think about how the apples taste so they can write down which ones they liked best after they try them. The children will taste a few different types of apples. They will be encouraged to reflect on which apple they thought tasted best. Responses will be recorded through a combination of writing, drawing, or dictation.  


For children who need additional support: 

For children who may be allergic to, or uncomfortable smelling and tasting, apples. An alternative selection will be provided such as to record which one they think looks the best.


For children who are ready for a challenge: 

If children are ready, they will be encouraged to write their responses and to begin to identify some of the sounds in the words they are writing.



The teacher will scaffold language comprehension and production by introducing the word, “apple,” in children’s home languages. Children will be encouraged to practice saying the word “apple”, “red”, “green” and ‘yellow” in English. 


Pre-K Common Core Learning Standard Addressed:

        PK. ELAL.13.

Uses a combination of drawing, dictating, oral expression, and or emergent writing to state an opinion about a familiar topic in child- centered, authentic, play -based learning. 


Foundational Text for the Week:

·                Thank you, Omu! by Oge Mora the link to the foundational text click Here!


Questions that will be asked throughout the week related to the foundational text:


Level 1: Recall 

What did Omu make for dinner? 

Who did Omu share her stew with?


Level 2: Skill/Concept 

How did everyone know Omu was making something delicious?

What part of your body do you use to smell? 


Level 3: Strategic Thinking 

Why do you think Omu shared her stew with everyone? 

How do you think Omu felt when she was ready to eat dinner and discovered the stew was all gone? 


Level 4: Extended Thinking 

Why do you think everyone who had some of Omu’s stew came back to her apartment with food to share with her for dinner? 

Why did Omu think the dinner she had at the end of the book was the best dinner ever? 


Lessons and Activities for the Week:


 Blocks- Children are encouraged to use tree-shaped blocks.  Students will be able to explore how the blocks feel and look compared to the other blocks in the block area.


Pretend Play- The Dramatic Play center will be transformed into an apple orchard. Students will be able to explore apples with their senses.    


Art- Playdough will be added to the art center as children discuss how the playdough feels, looks, and smells.


Science- A "Feely Box" will be added to the science center.  Students are invited to put their hands in the holes of the box and identify the object using only their sense of touch. 


Math- Students will be able to sort animal manipulatives by color, size, type, and texture.


Library- Students are invited to look at our classroom books and discuss what they see with their peers.


Writing- Scented markers will be provided in the writing center. Students will be encouraged to use their sense of smell as they use the markers.


Sensory- Sand and water or play dough.



For more information on the Lesson Plan, click HERE!


If there are any questions regarding the Pre-K for All program that cannot be answered by the office or classroom teacher, please feel free to contact the Help Line at 888-227-8175.



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