Week of December 6, 2021
· All children are required to have the FLU shot before December 1st.
· Ugly Sweater contest on Thursday, December 16
· Christmas Recess begins December 21,2021, students
return January 3,2022
· Seesaw accounts have been set up for all students. You can find your child’s access code in the Home-School Connection folder.
Always make sure to read the OLQM School Blog for additional information, located HERE!
If you have any questions or concerns, you can email me at xiomaraserbones@olqmnyc.org or text/call (203)539-0863 I will do my best to answer at the end of the day.
Unit Topic:
Where We live
Essential Question for the Unit:
Where do the people and animals around me live?
Focus Question for this Week
Where do I live? Where do my family members live?
Focused Learning Activity for this Week
Building Face
The teachers will work with students to create a building face in the dramatic play area. Students will be asked which objects should stay outside the building and which objects should stay inside the building.
Pre-K Common Core Learning Standard Addressed:
PK.AL.2: Actively engages in problem-solving
Foundational text for the week:
A New Home by Tania Regil
Questions that will be asked throughout the week related to the foundational text:
Level 1: Recall
Where is the boy moving?
Where is the girl moving?
Both the boy and the girl are nervous they will miss things from their old cities when they move to their new cities. What are some of the things they think they will miss?
Level 2: Skill/Concept
Do you think the boy and the girl will still be able to do the things they love in their new cities? Why or why not?
After the boy and the girl move to their new cities and learn about the things, they can do there, how do you think they will feel? Why?
Level 3: Strategic Thinking
What do you think the boy might tell the girl about New York City? Why?
What do you think the girl might tell the boy about Mexico City? Why?
Level 4: Extended Thinking
Have you ever moved to a new place? Maybe a new home? Or to a place that was far away from your old home? How did you feel about moving? Why?
What are some of the things you like about where you live now? What would you miss if you moved?
Lessons and Activities for the Week:
Blocks-Pictures of different types of homes and buildings will be posted in the block center and students are invited to build the homes in the pictures or similar homes.
Pretend Play- Students will decorate a building facade that will be used in the pretend play area.
Art-The teacher will provide an assortment of construction paper shapes and have children talk about the shapes. The children will then sort them to make purposeful selections and create a home. They might want to create their own home or a home they might like to live in.
Science- Multiple pictures of animals and their homes will be provided in the science center for students to match.
Math- The teacher will provide an assortment of construction paper shapes. The children will talk about and then sort the shapes to make purposeful selections and create a home. They can create their own home or a home they might like to live in.
Library- Students are encouraged to look at two non-fiction books about homes and compare and contrast what they see.
Writing- Students will discover blueprints and create their own blueprint with blue paper and chalk.
For more information on the Lesson Plan, click HERE!
If there are any questions regarding the Pre-K for All program that cannot be answered by the office or classroom teacher, please feel free to contact the Help Line at 888-227-8175
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