Sunday, February 7, 2021

Week of February 8, 2021




·February 12, 2021 school will be closed Professional Development Day. 

   ·February 15,2021 school will be closed President’s Day  



ZOOM Links for This Week:


    Monday 01/8 to Friday 01/12


      8:30 a.m. Meeting 

      Meeting ID: 824 4622 2633

      Passcode: 123456

         Join URL: Click HERE


       2:00 p.m. Meeting

       Meeting ID: 824 4622 2633

       Passcode: 123456

      Join URL: Click HERE 


    If your child cannot attend one of these two meetings, please let me know and I can schedule a meeting at a time that is more convenient for you.  


The link for the read aloud of this week's foundational text Water Dance by Thomas Locker HERE!

                  My Favorite part of Water Dance 





Lessons and Activities for the Week for At Home Learners:


     There are numerous activities posted every week on our

     classroom SeeSaw Account! 


                                    Weekly Activity 

Provide your child with white paper and scissors. Model folding the paper and cutting carefully then unfolding to reveal a snowflake. Invite your child to create their own snowflakes. Discuss the relationship between snowflakes and water with your child as they do this activity.   How to make snowflakes




Open-ended questions:

Tell me about your art.
What did you notice about ____?
I notice that you ____. How did you do that?
What will you try next? Why?
How does this picture, painting, drawing, etc. make you feel? Why?



      Please send any pictures or drawings to 

 or text the picture to


                Information for In-Person Learners

                               Unit Topic:



                     Essential Question for the Unit:

                                        What does water do?



Focus Questions for this Week:

                                   Where can we find water?


Focused Learning Activity for the Week:


The teachers will work with students in the writing center. They will sing “Willoughby Wallaby Woo”, highlighting the /w/ sound as well as the initial sounds in each child’s name. The children will be invited to choose a letter to see how many words they can generate that start with that letter. The teacher will write down the words and enunciate the initial sound in each word. 




           Pre-K Common Core Learning Standard Addressed:


 ·    PK.ELL.2 (Reading Standards: Foundational Skills): Demonstrate an emerging understanding of spoken words, syllables and sounds (phonemes).


Foundational text for the week:

                          Water Dance by Thomas Locker



            Pre-K Common Core Learning Standard Addressed:

            PK. ELAL.7: Develops and answers questions about 

          characters, major events, and pieces of information in a






Level 1: Recall

· Where does the rain fall from?

· What is high above the earth in the blue sky?

· What is still and deep and overflows?

· What is a waterfall?

Level 2: Skill/Concept

· What are all of the things described in this book (rain, stream, waterfall, etc.) made of?

· This book says that clouds can look like many different shapes in the sky. Are there clouds in the sky today? What shapes do you see in the clouds?

Level 3: Strategic Thinking

· The storm in this book made the sky dark. How do storms and clouds make the sky dark?

· This book shows many different places in the environment where we can find water. Where are some places in our classroom where we can find water?



Level 4: Extended Thinking

· At the beginning of the book it says, “Some people say that I am one thing. Others say that I am many. “How can something be one thing and many things at the same time?

· Compare the pictures to what we see when we go outside. What is the same? What is different?

· How do you think water gets to our classroom?


   Learning Centers Available for the Unit: 

Blocks- Pictures of bridges will be added to the center. Students encouraged to try to build bridges. 


Art- Students are invited to draw a picture with crayons. They may choose to draw an underwater or rainy-day scene. After their drawings are complete, watercolor paints will be used to lightly paint over their crayon drawings. 


Science- Students are invited to sort animals into two categories: those that live in water and those that live on land. 


Math- Seashells will be added to math center. Students will be able to match the correct number of shells to a number card. 


Library- Students are invited to read books about or theme, water.


Writing-Students will be asked the question, "Where can we find water?" and be asked to write or draw their answers.


Sensory-Sand and water, or play-doh.



For more information on the Lesson Plan, click HERE!  



If there are any questions regarding the Pre-K for All program that cannot be answered by the office or classroom teacher, please feel free to contact the Help Line at 888-227-8175

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