Sunday, April 16, 2023

Week of April 17, 2023





·      Friday, April 21, 2023, parent-teacher conference 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM - in person 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM - via Zoom Please sign up for an appointment.

·      Friday, April 21, 2023, Early Dismissal at 11:45am 

·      Friday, April 21, 2023, NO AFTER-SCHOOL PROGRAM 





 Always make sure to read the OLQM School Blog for additional information, located HERE!


If you have any questions or concerns, you can email me at or text/call (203)539-0863 I will do my best to answer at the end of the day. 



Unit Topic:


Essential Question for the Unit:

  What does water do?  

Focus Questions for this Week:

Where can we find water?


 Focused Learning Activity for this Week


 Our Trip to the Lake


The teacher will work with students in the Dramatic Play area.  She will ask students to brainstorm and come up with a list of things we need to transform our center into an area in which students can "go fishing". 



For all children to be successful, multiple entry points will be considered. The teacher will tailor instruction to the needs of each individual student. 


For example, 

       •         Repeat directions

       •         Extend time 

       •         Preview questions (if applicable)

       •         Provide 1:1 support 

       •         Adapt materials



Pre-K Common Core Learning Standard Addressed:


PK.AL.2: Actively engages in problem-solving.




Foundational text for the week:

Water Rolls, Water Rises by Pat Mora

                 Link to the foundational text HERE!




Questions that will be asked throughout the week related to the foundational text:


 Level 1: Recall

What are some of the ways water moves?

This book talks about places we can find water. What are some of those places?


Level 2: Skill/Concept

On the page with the boat, the wind is blowing the water and making big waves. It looks like the boat is tossing and turning in the waves. How do you think the people on the boat might be feeling? Why? Let’s look at the page with the river. The book says the river slithers and snakes. What does it mean if a river is slithering and snaking?


Level 3: Strategic Thinking

Let’s take a look at the page with the well. What is happening in this picture? What are we looking at?

On the page about frost, the children are wearing coats, hats, and mittens, and the leaves on the trees are red, orange, yellow, and brown. What do you think that might tell us about frost? When might there be frost outside?


Level 4: Extended Thinking

What do you notice about the people and places in this book? What does that tell us about water?

This book shows water all around the world. What are some places near us where we can find water?




Lesson and activities for the week:


 Blocks- Pictures of bridges will be added to the center. Students are encouraged to try to build bridges. 


Pretend Play- Large cardboard boxes will be added to Pretend Play for students to pretend they are in a boat. 


Art- Students are invited to draw a picture with crayons. They may choose to draw an underwater or rainy-day scene. After their drawings are complete, watercolor paints will be used to lightly paint over their crayon drawings. 


Science- Students are invited to sort animals into two categories: those that live in water and those that live on land. 


Math- Seashells will be added to the math center. Students will be able to match the correct number of shells to a number card. 


Library- Students are invited to read books about the theme, of water.


Writing- Students will be asked the question, "Where can we find water?" and be asked to write or draw their answers.


Sensory- Sand and water, or Play-Doh.



If there are any questions regarding the Pre-K for All program that cannot be answered by the office or classroom teacher, please feel free to contact the Help Line at 888-227-8175 

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