Sunday, March 26, 2017

Week of March 26, 2017

Theme for the Unit:

Enduring understandings that the student should have by the end of the unit:

  Water is all around us.
  Water changes depending on how warm or cold it is.
  Some things float in water and some sink.
  Some things change when you put them in water.
All living things need water.

Lessons and Activities For Learning Centers
Blocks- The teacher will add pictures of ice castles. The teacher will invite children to refer to these pictures and build their own ice castles. Consider covering the blocks with white paper and adding clear plastic cups for children to use in their structures.
Pretend Play-Large cardboard boxes will be added to pretend play for students to pretend they are in a boat.
Art-The teacher
will invite children to use markers to create a picture. After they have finished with the markers, the teacher will provide spray bottles of water and invite children to lightly spray their papers. After they have sprayed their papers, the teacher will encourage them to watch and describe how the water has changed their work.

Science- Students are invited to sort animals into two categories: those that live in water and those that live on land.
Math- Seashells will be added to math center. Students will be able to match the correct number of shells to a number card.
Library-The teachers will read by Patricia Polacco with children in the library, then talk with them about what they do with their families when the weather is bad.
Writing-Where Do We Find Water? Invite children to think about this question, then draw or write their answers on an index card or small piece of paper.
Technology-The teacher will assist the children to enter the question where do we find water? into a search engine and join the children in observing the images that are displayed. Ask them which ones they have seen before and which ones they have never seen.
Sensory-Add child- safe soap to the water table as well as doll clothes and invite children to wash the clothes. The teacher will engage the children in discussions about how people use water to keep things clean.
Some of the books we will read this week are:
·     Float by Daniel Miyares 
·     Water Can Be... by Laura Purdie Salas 

Recommended Home School Connection

Monday: Universal Handwriting Page 46 and 47
Tuesday: Getting ready to read and write Page 48 and 49
Wednesday: Hand Writing My Letter Book pages 35 and 36
Thursday: Math News Here’s What I Know

     Our Spring Show will be on Tuesday, April 4th at 9:00 a.m.
     Dismissal will be at 12:00 noon on Friday, April 7th
     Parent-Teacher Conferences will be on April 7th from 3 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Link to Weekly lesson Plan

If you have any questions Mr. Woods or I cannot answer feel free to contact the Archdiocese at (888) 227-8175 from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm or Email At 

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Week of March 20, 2017

Theme for the Unit:

Enduring understandings that the student should have by the end of the unit:

  Water is all around us.
  Water changes depending on how warm or cold it is.
  Some things float in water and some sink.
  Some things change when you put them in water.
All living things need water.

Lessons and Activities For Learning Centers

Blocks- The teacher will add pictures of ice castles. The teacher will invite children to refer to these pictures and build their own ice castles. Consider covering the blocks with white paper and adding clear plastic cups for children to use in their structures.
Pretend Play-Large cardboard boxes will be added to pretend play for students to pretend they are in a boat.
Art-The teacher
will invite children to use markers to create a picture. After they have finished with the markers, the teacher will provide spray bottles of water and invite children to lightly spray their papers. After they have sprayed their papers, the teacher will encourage them to watch and describe how the water has changed their work.

Science- Students are invited to sort animals into two categories: those that live in water and those that live on land.
Math- Seashells will be added to math center. Students will be able to match the correct number of shells to a number card.
Library-The teachers will read by Patricia Polacco with children in the library, then talk with them about what they do with their families when the weather is bad.
Writing-Where Do We Find Water? Invite children to think about this question, then draw or write their answers on an index card or small piece of paper.
Technology-The teacher will assist the children to enter the question where do we find water? into a search engine and join the children in observing the images that are displayed. Ask them which ones they have seen before and which ones they have never seen.
Sensory-Add child- safe soap to the water table as well as doll clothes and invite children to wash the clothes. The teacher will engage the children in discussions about how people use water to keep things clean.

Some of the books we will read this week are:
·     Float by Daniel Miyares 
·     It Looked Like Spilt Milk by Charles Shaw 

Recommended Home School Connection

Monday: Universal Handwriting Page 44 and 45
Tuesday: Getting ready to read and write Page 46 and 47
Wednesday: Hand Writing My Letter Book pages 33 and 34
Thursday: Math News Here’s What I Know

Link to Weekly lesson Plan

If you have any questions Mr. Woods or I cannot answer feel free to contact the Archdiocese at (888) 227-8175 from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm or Email At 

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Week of March 13th, 2017

Theme for the Unit:

Enduring understandings that the student should have by the end of the unit:

  Water is all around us.
  Water changes depending on how warm or cold it is.
  Some things float in water and some sink.
  Some things change when you put them in water.
All living things need water.

Lessons and Activities For Learning Centers
Blocks- The teacher will add pictures of ice castles. The teacher will invite children to refer to these pictures and build their own ice castles. Consider covering the blocks with white paper and adding clear plastic cups for children to use in their structures.
Pretend Play-Large cardboard boxes will be added to pretend play for students to pretend they are in a boat.
Art-The teacher
will invite children to use markers to create a picture. After they have finished with the markers, the teacher will provide spray bottles of water and invite children to lightly spray their papers. After they have sprayed their papers, the teacher will encourage them to watch and describe how the water has changed their work.

Science- Students are invited to sort animals into two categories: those that live in water and those that live on land.
Math- Seashells will be added to math center. Students will be able to match the correct number of shells to a number card.
Library-The teachers will read by Patricia Polacco with children in the library, then talk with them about what they do with their families when the weather is bad.
Writing-Where Do We Find Water? Invite children to think about this question, then draw or write their answers on an index card or small piece of paper.
Technology-The teacher will assist the children to enter the question where do we find water? into a search engine and join the children in observing the images that are displayed. Ask them which ones they have seen before and which ones they have never seen.
Sensory-Add child- safe soap to the water table as well as doll clothes and invite children to wash the clothes. The teacher will engage the children in discussions about how people use water to keep things clean.

   Some of the books we will read this week are:

Rain! by Linda Ashman
Snow by Uri Shulevitz

Recommended Home School Connection

Tuesday: Getting ready to read and write Page 44 and 45
Wednesday: Hand Writing My Letter Book pages 31 and 32
Thursday: Math News Here’s What I Know


  •   Monday March 13, staff development day school will be closed.
  •     Friday March 17, Saint Patrick’s

      Day school will be closed,

Link to Weekly lesson Plan

If you have any questions Mr. Woods or I cannot answer feel free to contact the Archdiocese at (888) 227-8175 from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm or Email At 

Week of June 12, 2023     WEEKLY REMINDERS       ·        Thursdays, June 15, 2023, Pre-k Father’s Day Celebration by Zoom At 9:30Am     ·  ...