Week of January 29, 2018
Enduring understandings that the
student should have by the end of the unit:
I use transportation to get to pre-K
other places.
We use different types of
transportation for different reasons.
Vehicles move in different ways.
Some vehicles are operated by
community helpers such as bus drivers, conductors, firefighters, police
officers, and mail carriers.
There are many ways to stay safe when
using transportation.
Lessons and activities for each center:
Blocks- Students are
invited to create a variety of ramps and use different vehicles to race,
predicting which one will go down the fastest and why.
Art- An assortment of shape cutouts and
pictures of vehicles will be added to the center. Students will be
invited to reference the vehicles to create their own vehicles.
Science- Students are invited
to create airplanes (with teacher support) and then will be asked to predict if
their plane will fly, why or why not?
Math- Students will be invited to
match numbered cars to their corresponding spots in a "parking lot".
Library- Students are
invited to sequence the pictures and retell a familiar story, using a felt
Writing- Students will
be invited to match lettered cars to their corresponding spots in a
"parking lot".
Sensory- Sand and water, or
Some of the books we will read this week are:
· Go! Go! Go! Stop! by Charise Mericle Harper
Subway by Christoph
Friday, February 2nd Dismissal is at 12:00
Friday, February 2nd. Parent - Teacher Conferences from 3:00 pm -8:00 pm
Wednesday February 14th is our valentine’s Day presentation from
9:00 Am-9:30
If you have any questions Mr.
Woods or I cannot answer feel free to contact the Archdiocese at (888) 227-8175
from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm or Email At Cathlicschools.upk@archny.org
Thank you